bag of groceries

I just had a handyman come to give an estimate on how much it would cost to REMOVE those pretty slide-out drawers from my pantry and replace them with shelves. He looked appalled at my kitchen pantry renovation idea. Why would I want to do that? The slide-out drawers are a highly desired kitchen feature, the best!

I acknowledged that I knew it sounded crazy, but the drawers just weren’t practical for my family (cough – husband).

The handyman’s face said it all.

The confusion, the judgment. I stated his silent question out loud, “You’re wondering why he can’t just pull out the drawer and put it back?” The handyman nodded.

Well, because he can’t. Just like he can’t put his towel on the towel rack or put his shoes in the closet. I mean he’s a busy man! Why would he take the time to pull out the drawer to put a cereal box back in its place? It’s much easier and a time-saver to just throw it in.

At first, I thought the handyman was going to refuse the kitchen pantry renovation project. This man obviously takes his craft seriously, and I was asking him to make my pantry “worse.”

A part of me wanted to fold…

Read the rest of the article at OC Mom Collective.

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