Parenting IS hard. But it doesn’t have to be THIS hard.

You’re exhausted, frustrated and crave a more peaceful home. You worry about your kids’ future and the future of your sanity. You’ve tried traditional tools such as punishment and rewards, but they aren’t working.

With a new approach and some brand-new tools and strategies, you can increase cooperation, build connection with your kids, and be the parent you want to be. I can show you how. 

Janell with teenage daughter survivor mug

Hi, I'm Janell

I’m a parent. And I struggled. Big time. I learned that the way I had been taught to parent wasn’t only ineffective, but tended to escalate rather than solve problems. Threats and punishments were not only not working, but they also felt terrible. For my kids. And for myself. Until finally, I’d had enough.

I have spent the past seven years working with parents teaching them a different way to parent that is not only more effective and respectful, but feels better too.

With my four-part FLIP strategy, I help parents move from stress, anger and fear to peace, acceptance and hope by shifting the focus from controlling our children to controlling ourselves.

By flipping the script, you'll experience less…

grey checkmark  Yelling, bribing, or threatening

grey checkmark  Feeling like you’re failing as a parent

grey checkmark  Feeling exhausted, powerless and defeated

grey checkmark  Walking on eggshells and wondering when the chaos will end


smiley face You go to bed feeling good about how you handled your child's meltdown.

smiley face Your pre-teen helps you clear the dishes without you asking.

smiley face A curfew you and your teenager can agree upon

smiley face Your child gets dressed for school without an argument.

smiley face A peaceful (if not enjoyable!) dinner with your family.

smiley face You leave your child's room at night and they don't follow you back out.

smiley face A peaceful car ride without a WWE match in the backseat.

Ready to learn a new way of parenting? Start your journey now.

Which solution is best for you?


Join a supportive, judgment-free community of like-minded parents all learning and practicing a new, more effective and respectful way to parent.

private coaching

Let’s work together to address your specific parenting challenges and help you tackle the things getting in the way of being the parent you want to be.

Book a free 20-minute call with me and we’ll discover how I can best help you.

Let's hear what people say

free download of 3 sanity saving tools for parents
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